9. tř.

Srdečně Vám všem přeji krásné, zasloužené prázdniny a úspěšný start Vaší nové studijní cesty. 

TASK 2.6.- whenever...

Hello everybody :) I hope you´re not completely stressed out from the exams and you will find some time for english too. 

I created padlet for you to practise english by chatting in english. Feel free to write any english comments. You don´t need to sign, your comment can stay anonymous, but if it is necessary for the message or if you´d like to emphasize your own opinion, please sign. I started the conversation with some easy questions: Are you ok with the whole situation about not finishing the school properly? Do you think it is unfair that you missed the last few months of the last year? OR do you feel special and blessed that your last year is completely different? 

If you join the conversation we can twist the topic to whatever you are interested in. Just add some question, opinion or idea and we will see where it goes. :)

A pro jistotu ještě česky, ať v tom máme všichni jasno. 

Všechny moc zdravím a doufám, že vás moc nestresují přijímačky, a že si ještě najdete chvilku i na angličtinu. Vytvořila jsem online nástěnku pro chatovou konverzaci, kde můžete trénovat angličtinu. Napište klidně cokoli, příspěvky budou anonymní, ale pokud to vaše zpráva bude vyžadovat nebo pokud budete chtít vyjádřit svůj názor, prosím podepište se. Konverzaci jsem začala jednoduchými otázkami: Jste ok s celou tou situací kolem vašeho neukončeného ročníku? Berete jako nespravedlnost, že jste ochuzeni o posledních pár měsíců posledního ročníku nebo to naopak berete jako výhodu a budete na váš ročník vzpomínat, jako na ten výjimečný?

Přidávání příspěvků je jednoduché, pokud se budete konverzace účastnit a něco se tam vyvine, klidně můžeme stočit téma kamkoli jinam, přispějte jakoukoli otázkou, názorem, myšlenkou...a uvidíme, zda se to nějak rozvine. Odkaz k padletu je zde pod textem:


If you have some free time and you feel like practising english, you can try to practise by translating. Start with A2 level (it should be yours) and if it is too easy move to A2-B1. :)

TASKS - 25.5.-29.9.

Just few of you filled the test. You can still do so. It is compulsory and it sums up the topics from this year. But by now, the most common problem is present perfect. You can practice it in the files below the text (I will add the results at the end of next week) and from the link below.

TASKS - 18.5.-22.5.

1) Compulsory - Do the revision test. It covers all the topics from this year. I wrote a feedback for each answer, if your answer is wrong, please study the recommended unit in classbook or in the link I enclosed.

2) Recommended - do test 1 and 2 from the link below. There is a nice feedback for each answer. These tests are A2 level which you are supposed to be when you leave the primary school.

3) Voluntary - there are new Harry Potter chapters for listening. But a registration is required now. I highly recommend to register. Especially if you are Harry Potter fan you will love the pages. If you are not you can still benefit from the chapter videos. :)

TASKS - 11.5.- 15.5.

Hello everybody, I hope you are doing well. Here you can find some useful interactive worksheets, listening (you can pause it, shift it, play it again - there are 30 short interviews with american teenagers, each of them is transcripted and translated as well.) and I also add a video of Daniel Radcliffe reading the first chapter of Harry Potter (very nice, great for pronunciation and it can take you back to your childhood I guess :))

For those of you who are doing an entrance exam next month - these tasks are not compolsury. Study whatever you feel like studying right now. 

For the rest of you I hope you are smart enough to fill your time with studying as well because stydying time is never a wasted time. It is always good to invest into your selves. 

Next week I am planning to send you a so-called test where you will have the opportunity to test your english level completely with (compolsury for everybody). But that would be everything until then :) 


STUDUJ 20.4.-24.4. 

At the end of the year you should definitely know the difference between past simple and present perfect and use it actively. Watch a nice video and revise the structure usage of both of them. 

You can use the link for practise or fill in the worksheet. I will insert the the answers for the worksheet at the end of the week.

FORM 5: please share a bit of your reading experience, this form will be here until 17.4. Meanwhile, enjoy Easter time as much as it is possible. I hope you are all safe and happy at home :-) 

Workbook results:

Tips for you!

I bet you spend a lot of time on your pfones, being online, on your instagram and othe social networks I don´t even know :D I don´t blame you for that, I know the siotuation outside isn´t supportive and there isn´t so much to do at home all the time... Here are some tips how to spend your time usefully even while being on your phones. I have already told you about some of them, so maybe they are familiar. Well, this could be the time when it could really work for you :) 








aplikace do telefonu: 

bbc learning english - poslechy, kvízy, transkripce, pravidelně nové lekce...

Pocket Casts - podkasty, kategorie - vzdělávání, umění, zábava, sport atd...

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